4 Easy Ways To Retrieve Deleted Facebook Messages

  • Retrieve Deleted Facebook Messages

I use Facebook’s messaging system to communicate with a few of my clients, so deleting my messages is something I definitely can’t afford. Fortunately, in the rare event where I do end up accidentally deleting a Facebook message, I know of a few ways to retrieve deleted Facebook messages quickly and easily, and today I’ll be going over a few of these methods with you.

Retrieve Deleted Facebook Messages

4 Ways To Easily Retrieve Deleted Facebook Messages

Method 1: Check Your E-mail

This is the easiest way to recover deleted Facebook messages; just log into your e-mail address and see if there’s a copy of it that was sent to you. If you don’t have this feature enabled, you can go to your Settings, click on Notifications, click on Email, and then press the radio button that says, ““. Facebook will automatically update these settings and you’ll begin receiving emails with your messages in them.

Method 2: The iPhone Messenger App

This isn’t a method I’ve test myself, but supposedly data between the Facebook Messenger app and the iPhone are synced, which means you can use a data recovery tool to recover your deleted Facebook messages.

Method 3: Download Your Full Facebook Archive

This is a method to retrieve deleted Facebook messages that you’ll see on several other sites, but I wanted to test it out myself before posting it here. What I did was delete a Facebook message, and then I went to my General Account Settings and clicked on, “Download a copy of your Facebook data“. Unforunately, when the download was ready, Facebook stated that I could only download my archive after a few days for security reasons.

While this method will allow you to download your Facebook messages, it’s unknown whether or not you can download your deleted messages unless they were previously archived, so I’ll update this section in a few days.

Method 4: Check Your Message Archive

This last method to retrieve deleted Facebook messages will only work if you archived your deleted message in the first place (if you’re not sure, it’s worth checking anyway). Simply go to this link and see if it’s there: https://www.facebook.com/messages/archived/. If it’s not there, then try one of the other methods above.

Did any of these methods work for you? Let me know in the comments section!