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3 Reasons Why A Consistent Writing Tone Is Important

3 Reasons Why A Consistent Writing Tone Is Important

Writing tone is an often overlooked part of writing for a blog as most people are more focused on other elements on their website, such as SEO or images. However, did you know that your writing tone can actually help your site retain visitors longer and keep them coming back?

Yes, it’s true! While writing tone is something I’ve admittedly lost focus on recently, there are several benefits to establishing one early on in the first few articles on your site.

3 Reasons Why A Consistent Writing Tone Is Important

1. Readers Will Identify You On Other Sites

Most readers will identify a blogger by the writing tone they use on their websites. Take Maddox for example, who for the record is a writer and not  a “blogger”: even if he were to write on a site that wasn’t The Best Page In The Universe, it’s still pretty easy to identify his style of satirical writing outside of his primary website. This is why establishing a writing tone on other sites is especially important if you do guest blogging, as your current readers may also visit those other sites and becoem excited when they discover that you’re also a writer for one of their other sites. Additionally, this benefits the site you guest blog on as now these readers are more likely to come back for you.

2. Readers Who Like Your Tone Expect It In Your Other Articles

Using David Thorne, owner of the site, as an example this time, whenever I visit his website and see a new article, I expect his new e-mail-focused article to be written in a way that shows his brash attitude that normally frustrates the targets in his e-mails. If I were to visit his site to see that he’s decided to be amicable and loving in all of his, I would stop reading and leave the site.

3. It Makes Your Website Look Established

Think of it this way, how often do you visit an established blog where the writer or writers are writing casually in one article and then vulgar in the next article? Almost never, right? This is because these writers know that if they want to maintain their current following, they need to be consistent in their tone and avoid erratic shifts between professional and casual.

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