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The Marketing Potential of

Make Money

If you don’t know what is, it’s a new and free browser-based game that just came out earlier this month. As you can see based on the image above, it already has a lot of players. However, because it’s new and does not currently have any type of moderation system to prevent specific usernames, this actually leaves it vulnerable to “spammed usernames” that promote websites and products.

2 Ways That Can Be Used To Make Money

Method 1: A URL In The Username

If you came here from because you saw my  URL username, then you already know this works as this was something I tested myself. Since my brand domain name here is short, I was able to fit the naked URL version of the domain name into my username. This resulted in about 1 extra visitor per minute that I was on the leaderboard (and it’s not hard to get to the top of the leaderboard).

While this site contains nothing that could harm my visitors, the purpose of this test was to show how simple it is for a more unscrupulous person to use their URL in their username and lure people to their spam site.

Method 2: Use A Shortened Affiliate Link

I tested this method briefly by using a version of my URL. However, someone else could said use to shorten a long affiliate URL from Clickbank from a targeted product about becoming a video game tester and use the short URL as a username. I managed to get 31 people to visit the shortened version of my URL.

Those are all of the current methods I have been able to come up with. If ever receives an update that allows custom user skins or profiles, then I will come back to this article and update the guide with more methods.

Method 2.5: Shortened Links

I was testing out Method #2 from this article recently when I noticed someone using a more conversion-optimised variation of it. If you look in the image above, you’ll notice that the Agar player is using the word “Agar” in their shortened link rather than one of the randomly generated shortened link that most of the URL shortening services offer ( allows you to use a custom URL). This is more than likely to increase the likelihood that users will search for it, both because they know how to spell Agar and because it seems a bit more trustworthy than a string of random letters.

But that’s not all, when I visited the link, I noticed that it directed me to an Agar respawn extension for Google Chrome. Poor ratings aside, the extension was added to the Chrome store on July 25th (5 days ago from the date I updated this article) and has over 1,658 users.

While I haven’t had the chance to test out this ostensibly conversion-optimised version of Method #2, I’m going to assume it’s been working out quite well for the player I encountered in the game.

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